Car accidents can be very confusing and disorienting for the victims involved. Most car accident victims did not expect to have to deal with the repercussions of a car crash before the crash, so it can seem to them that a number of important decisions must be made in a very short time. There is some basic information that Knoxville residents should know about actions to take immediately after a car accident in which they have suffered personal injury.

The first order of business is to look after one’s own health and the health of others as appropriate. Depending on their personal circumstances after the accident, a victim may want or need to pursue compensation from third parties who may bear the legal responsibility for injuries suffered. Evidence may be needed to pursue this compensation, so preserving evidence can be essential.

One fairly easy way to preserve evidence is to write down everything that happened after an accident. Appropriate things to record include hospital bills, doctor visits and associated expenses, and lost wages and work opportunities.

Accident witnesses can provide powerful evidence in a personal injury case. Victims should get the names and contact information of any witnesses. The witnesses should be contacted, if possible, to confirm their contact information. Victims should also get a copy of the police report. Potentially liable parties should be notified that they may be defendants in a personal injury lawsuit. A personal injury attorney can be very helpful in this task. Victims should act quickly as there may be time limits in which a victim can file a claim.